Insider Bat

Great Training Aid!

Insider Bat

The Insider Bat™ is a revolutionary baseball/softball muscle memory training tool made in the U.S.A. that promotes proper grip, hand placement and proper swing path before, during and after contact is made. The unique design allows for only one way to make contact with the ball…the CORRECT way!


JustSOFTBALL is a group of quality instructors banded together with the common goal of helping the youth in our sport. We all played this wonderful game and we love giving back to the sport that gave so much to us. We have top instructors from diverse backgrounds and specialties. There are former top collegiate players, college coaches, professional instructors and National Team Members. We all continue to play and work in the sport of softball. Our goal is to make sure that every kid has an instructor, and every instructor has kids to teach. We understand the importance of good female role models. We also provide incredible camps and clinics that not only teach the necessary skills, but also teach the love and RESPECT for the game and all the history that walked before them.